Monday, February 25, 2019

Basic Conversational Phrases: Japanese!

Hello Everyone,

Thank you so much for viewing this blog! This is my very first post-- meaning I am going to be instructing you on basic tips, tricks, and phrases that will help you in your everyday life. Nonetheless, this lesson is going to be some basic conversation phrases in Japanese. These will be most helpful when wanting to start a conversation and touch base with natives when you travel.

Fact: Japanese consists of super-formal, formal, and casual phrases. Super-formal are used for job settings or work-related things, formal is used for strangers or those older than you for it is more polite, and casual is for close friends, family, and even lovers. ( Lovey Dovey phrases coming soon)! 

These phrases are compiled by their ranking (super formal, formal, casual). 

Tip: reading them aloud or writing them down on paper improves your ability to memorize certain words or phrases! 

よー(yo) - yo, the casual way of greeting someone
もしもし(mo-shi-mosh) - hello (when talking on the phone).
お早うございます。(o-ha-yo-go-zai-mas) - the more formal version of   'good morning'. It's the more polite.
お早う。(o-ha-yo) - the casual version of  'good morning,' used for friends, family, and significant other
こんにちは(kon'nichiwa) - hello/good afternoon
こんばんは(kon'banwa) - good evening
初めまして(ha-jee-meh-mah-shi-teh) - Nice to meet you; pleased to meet you. You use this upon first meeting someone.
よろしくおねがいします(yo-row-she-koo-oh-neh-gai-she-mas) - nice to meet you but also translates to 'please treat me well'
お元気ですか? (oh-geh'n-ki-des ka) - the more formal version of 'how are you?'
元気?(genki) - the more casual 'how are you?' but can also mean 'fine?'
最近どう?(sai-ki'n dou) - how are things lately? (a very casual phrase, considered informal)
(名前)〜さんですか?( -name- san des ka?) - how about you, (name)?
貴方は? (anata wa?) - and you? (formal)
貴方?(anata) - you? (casual)
久しぶり(hi-sah-she-bu-ri) - long time, no see.
暑いですね?(at-su-ee-de-su-ne) - It's hot, isn't it?
寒いですね?(sa-mu-ee-de-su-ne) - It's cold, isn't it?
いい天気ですね?(ee-ten'ki-des-ne) - fine weather, isn't it?

Conversations about weather is common in Japan, just like how "how are you?" is commonly used in the United States. It's a simple and easy conversation starter! 

Replying is a little trickier because of the fact there's many ways of saying phrases.  Let's say you are greeted with someone asking how you are doing. Here's ways of responding to the typical "how are you?":

はい、元気です。(hai, gen'ki desu) - yes, I am fine.
えー, マーマーです(eh, maamaa desu) - Well, so-so.
はい、私も元気です(hai, wa-tah-shi-mo-gen'ki-desu) - yes, I am fine, too.
おかげさまで元気です(oh-kah-geh-sah-mah-deh-gen'ki-desu) - I am fine, thank you. (This is the more polite, grateful sounding response and can mean 'I'm fine, thanks to you')
とても元気です(to-teh-mo-gen'ki des) - very well
変わりないです(kawarinai desu) - as always
ちょっと疲れています(chotto tsukarete imasu) - a little tired.
具合が悪いです(guai ga warui desu) - I'm sick
何とか(nantoka) - barely coping
あんまり(anmari) - not so good

if someone tells you or you tell them you're not feeling well, you might hear the following phrases:

お大事に(odaiji ni) - I hope you feel better
大変ですね(taihen desu ne) - that's tough
お気の毒に(okinodoku ni) - I am sorry (you are not well).

if some tells you or you tell them you're doing great or okay, you might hear the following phrase:

それは良かったです。(sore wa yokatta desu) - nice to hear.

Let's try a sample conversation:

Person 1: 今日は、田中さ〜さん。
Person 2: あー、今日は, ナオミ〜さん。
Person 1: お元気ですか?
Person 2: はい、とても元気です!貴方は?
Person 1: 何とか。。
Person 2: あー, お気の毒に。。。お大事に!
Person 1: 田中〜さん, ありがとうございます


Person 1: hello, Tanaka
Person 2:  Ah! hello, Naomi.
Person 1: are you well?
Person 2: Yes, very well. And you?
Person 1: barely coping..
Person 2: ah, I'm sorry. I hope you get better!
Person 1: Thank you, Tanaka.

Farewells are pretty simple but there's many ways you can say "goodbye" in Japanese, just like there's many ways you can say it in English!


さようなら!(sayounara) - goodbye, it's the most common way of saying goodbye.
それじゃあまた!(sore jaa mata) - see you again
そろそろ失礼します(sorosoro shitsurei shimasu) - I'll be leaving now/I'm afraid I'll have to go now.
お先に(osakini) - Pardon me, but I must be leaving now.

That is all for now folks. If you enjoyed this, then please be sure to subscribe to this blog and let me know what you'd like to see next!


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